Transaction Details
- Transaction Hash
- 0x840966e079525618e6a83fb47c89028c3cf15e9f9fd42e442ef1e000d9304eb9
- Result
- Success
- Status
ConfirmedConfirmed by 2,492
- Block
- 3672
- Timestamp
- | Confirmed within <= 1466.01 seconds
- Interacted With (To)
- 0x84A4B302CcD74c201B9E0088B529e8E5f08cb6F3 0x84a4b3–8cb6f3
- Tokens Minted
From 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0x000000–000000 To 0x14480DDF82a306403a31B4257ee0EeaE234708cA 0x14480d–4708ca For 2 TokenID [11] 0x84a4b3-8cb6f3
- Value
- 0
- Transaction Fee
- 0
- Gas Price
- 0 Gwei
- Gas Limit
- 2,300,000
- Gas Used by Transaction
- 55,627 | 2.42%
- NoncePosition
- 28220
- Raw Input